Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Poem: Autumn
"Yours is the day, Yours also is the night;
You have established the heavenly lights and the sun.
You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth;
You have made summer and winter."
- Psalm 74:16-17
Autumn (Psalm 74:16-17)
By: Quina
Autumn comes
and I
shadow stretches
depravity stalks me
groaning until this
Fall is lifted
and as I
through long nights
I am struggling
wanting to take flight
from this chill
feeling I’m
dry and dying
but I
ignore these colors all around me
yellow, brown, red
Your determination of grace:
beautification of my mortification.
dying is not in vain.
And I know
Winter’s freeze has lost its sting
from its clutch I will thus Spring
to even brighter beams
of light and color
Autumn is when
You prepare me.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Creative Response: Cosmic Love
Original song: "Cosmic
Love" by Florence and the Machine
Creative Response:
"The Light They So Despise (Cosmic Love)" by Quina
Commentary: I did a rough draft recording of this piece as spoken word mixed with a remix of "Cosmic Love" on my computer, but I don't know how to upload it on here. Oh well.
The purpose of this
creative response wasn't so much to challenge what the original song's lyrics
are communicating. Instead, I took the themes of light/darkness, vision/eyes,
the heart, and living to contrast the blinding, deadening effect of the heart's
depravity with the coming of the Light and the Life, Christ. From Him the
majority of humanity hid, and hides, because of the darkness of our own hearts,
the evil of our deeds. We even go so far as to demand further proof for the
existence of God and the deity of Jesus. But this is like asking for proof that
the sun is out when it is midday. Christ rightly said, “the light has come into
the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their
works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does
not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.” (John 3:19-20). The
prayer of my poem is that God, who alone can shine “in our hearts to give the
light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”
(2Corinthians 4:6), would so shine in the dark shadows of unbelieving hearts.
"Cosmic Love"
by Florence and the Machine
A falling star fell from your heartAnd landed in my eyesI screamed aloud, as it tore through themAnd now it's left me blind
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown outYou left me in the darkNo dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilightIn the shadow of your heart
And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeatI tried to find the soundBut then it stopped and I was in the darknessSo darkness I became
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown outYou left me in the darkNo dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilightIn the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a mapAnd knew that somehow I could find my way backThen I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness tooSo I stayed in the darkness with you
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown outYou left me in the darkNo dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilightIn the shadow of your heart
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown outYou left me in the darkNo dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilightIn the shadow of your heart
"The Light They So Despise (Cosmic Love)"
by Quina
Prove the sun is out?
Need you such obvious testimony?
When it is shining in all its beauty?
Do you not see golden beams?
Shadows cast by trees?
Do you not feel the heat?
How do you believe you are living, breathing?
As it were, we
eyes, but do not see
but cannot hear
but cannot breathe
dwell in the shadow
our cold hearts, dark
but not living
but not living
He needs no proof, the light
but humbly He set upon this twilight
and it tried, with violent screams,
but could not overcome
His cosmic love, bright beams
when He rose, rose in three
glorious, undeniably bright beams
Oh, rise in their hearts
that they might
step into the light they so despise,
the light they so despise
"...but when God comes with afflictions to the men or women who have studied their own hearts, they can say,'I would not have been without this affliction for anything in the world. God has so suited this affliction to my condition, and has come in such a way that if this affliction had not come I am afraid I should have fallen into sin.'"
- (saw this on Rachel's Facebook)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Fri.NiteKids: Gina & Coco
Gina and Coco, the little 7 year old disciple. #Fri.NiteKids
Here is a post that Gina wrote about the privilege she has to disciple Coco. Oh how I love this little sister in Christ! Yesterday when Gina taught about Hell, Coco began weeping. As I sat next to her, patting her back, I asked her, "Is it because she is talking about Hell?" She continued crying, then looked me in the eye and asked, "Have any of your friends gone to Hell?" Sobered by her question and convicted by her response to the reality of God's judgment of sin, I responded, "Yes, yes some of them have."
After Bible study, Coco asks Gina questions and they usually spend more than an hour discussing the gospel, praying, and reading the Bible together. Praise God for giving Gina words to give a depiction of Coco and the glorious grace of God working in her. Below is taken from Gina's blog.
By: Gina
Her face shines brighter than the Sun whenever the opportunity arises to talk about Him. Her smile radiating from ear to ear, long black curls flowing in the wind as she pivots her foot, shifting all of her 53lbs to her right leg with her hand on her hip. The fullness of those seven long years of age and the wisdom they’ve acquired pour forth from her mouth to her younger cousin, testing her on what they’d just learned 10 minutes ago in Bible Study.
Her face shines brighter than the Sun whenever the opportunity arises to talk about Him. Her smile radiating from ear to ear, long black curls flowing in the wind as she pivots her foot, shifting all of her 53lbs to her right leg with her hand on her hip. The fullness of those seven long years of age and the wisdom they’ve acquired pour forth from her mouth to her younger cousin, testing her on what they’d just learned 10 minutes ago in Bible Study.
“Who’s the most important person, Raquel?”, said Coco.
“Umm…. God! I mean, Jesus! I mean….yeah!” Raquel replies, as she looks to Coco for affirmation.
I try not to burst out with loud shouts of praise, rejoicing from the pure joy bubbling up within me as I’m overwhelmed by the joy she is enthralled in by simply talking about Him. Jesus. Yes! This Holy God, yet loving friend, Righteous King and faithful Savior! It is Jesus that Coco is filled with excitement over!
After she quizzes her younger cousin, the three of us are distracted by the loud calls to worship that the sky proclaims. Bright neon-looking pinks mixed with soft oranges sitting on a background of indigo sky. After many questions and answers, Coco pulls out her Jesus Storybook Bible and begins to ask Raquel if she’d like to see what Heaven will look like. As she scrambles to find the page towards the end of the book, she re-adjusts all of the purple, plastic, bracelet pieces (used as book marks) to save the place of her most favorite stories and people in the Bible, one being Peter.
If ever I took the time to write down all of Coco’s questions about God, His Son and His Holy Spirit, I’m quite positive I could conclude my memories with a chapter-book. However, I’d still like to give you an idea of how deeply my life has been impacted by a child so young, and so eager to know God, that I am drawn to worship Christ every Friday evening because of what He is merely doing in her.
It baffles me to see how much understanding Christ has granted her at this extremely young age of seven. Not only does Coco hate her sin, but she weeps over it. Not only does she know the gospel, but she has been totally and radically transformed by it. Not only does she know that the gospel is true, but its truth resounds in her life so much so, that she weeps and prays, weekly, for her family’s salvation. Not only does she understand that hell is real, but she weeps in Bible Study for those who have gone there.
I never in my life could have ever expected to have such deep emotions and love for a child who is not my own. However, I have recently found myself identifying with the Apostle Paul when he addresses Timothy and Titus as his “true child” or “beloved child”(Ti.1:4, 1 Tim.1:2, 2 Tim.1:2). Marriage-less, husbandless, childless, I find myself given the gift of being a mother to children who’s real mom’s are in prison, or worse, are present yet have never told them about the one who could save them from the sin they’ve passed down to them.
I don’t know how long of a time the Lord will continue to grant me to be a part of their lives. However, during this sweet, sweet time, I will continue to find myself before His throne, worshipping Him for the opportunity to delight in Him in this way; Provoked by the challenge of loving and trusting my Savior like a little child (Lk.18:17).
Fri.NiteKids: A Quick Intro.
Yodeysi, Luisana, Coco, Yudeisy, and Alondra w/ Gina. #Fri.NiteKids
I'll call "Fri. Nite Kids" an inner-city ministry in Tampa that my beloved sister, roommate, and co-laborer in the gospel, Gina, unintentionally started about 2 years ago in her old neighborhood by sharing the gospel with a little girl, who then told her neighborhood friends, who then repeatedly showed up at Gina's door with questions about Jesus, the Bible, etc. There is much more to say about how the Lord began this ministry and how He has been reaching these children with the gospel, but I will post that later, Lord willing.
For now, I rejoice that after praying for some months now for the few laborers of this ministry and the many children in this neighborhood, God has opened a door for me to serve in the ministry every Friday. I am now teaching the middle and high school kids about the gospel at 6:45pm after Gina teaches the younger children at 5:30pm. I can't express how much joy and burden God has given me as I begin to share the gospel and my life with them (1 Thessalonians 2:8). They have become even more dear to me as I have spent time with them in these last few weeks. My heart is so burdened for these children, and I praise God that He has me here to labor that they might know "the Father of the fatherless" (Psalm 68:5).
Gina also plans on trying to post more about the Bible study on her blog here:
Prayer Requests:
- Salvation: Most of these children come from extremely broken homes, and they do not know Christ yet. Please pray for the Spirit of God to open their eyes to the glorious gospel of grace as He also empowers us to proclaim it to them weekly. Pray also for their families' salvation.
- Laborers: The Lord has blessed this unexpected ministry with laborers who love these children and have proclaimed the gospel to them for about 2 years now. At this moment, however, only Gina and I are serving/teaching on Fridays. Please pray that the Lord of the harvest will send laborers (especially faithful brothers to disciple the young boys in the neighborhood) to this neighborhood.
- Local Church: Please pray that He will connect the Bible study to a local church so that it can be under elders, etc. Efforts are in progress to connect the Bible study to a solid local church that is near the neighborhood, but please pray that it will happen.
- Unity: Please pray Philippians 1:27 for Gina and I. Pray for our unity and harmony as we labor together in the gospel and live together along with 3 other beloved sisters in Christ. Pray that He will keep us humbled by His glory and remind us continually that our lives are hidden in Christ alone.
Friday, September 14, 2012
"The church is the Embassy of the City of God within the cities of man."
- Michael Horton (paraphrased, sermon on Psalm 68/Ephesians 4)
- Michael Horton (paraphrased, sermon on Psalm 68/Ephesians 4)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Journal Prayer: 7.7.12
True Prosperity
"Who is the man who fears the LORD?
He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
His soul will abide in prosperity,
And his descendants will inherit the land.
The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,
and He will make them know His covenant."
- Psalm 25:12-14
I do taste in some measure the prosperity of my own soul in Christ Jesus. For in Him, You have blessed me with every spiritual blessing there is in the heavenlies. He prepares a home for me in Heaven. He reserves my inheritance--imperishable, undefiled, and unfading--for me as You keep me by Your power until I see it and hold it. I rejoice with joy inexpressible in this hope given to me in Christ. And I am presently given the privilege of tasting and seeing that You are good. I taste these hors d'oeuvres now that whet my palate for Your kingdom coming. Charles Leiter's illustration of regeneration and justification in the sermon I heard yesterday was such a beautiful picture of how You presently let my soul abide in prosperity. Justification is like a class that I take in which the professor declares to his students on the first day of class, "Do not worry about your grade in this class. I have already given everyone a 100% for the whole semester. Now you have the privilege to learn this subject with no fear of failing, nor with the futile motive of scoring the highest in the class." And regeneration is as though the professor had the power to change each students' heart prior to the beginning of the semester to genuinely love the subject of the class. And the subject is Your Son, who explains You, Father; Your Spirit is my Professor; and Your Word is my textbook; and my class is paid for in full by Your Son's sufficient blood. "Now," You tell me, "Enjoy learning." It's as though You say again, "From any tree in the garden you may eat freely. See, there is the fruit of sweet juice called the doctrine of adoption. And over there is the fruit of reconciliation with Your Creator. Taste, see, touch, explore. Enjoy the abundance of My overflowing goodness, and drink deeply from the river of My delights and the wells of My salvation." Here, in Christ, I have freedom and longings to pursue the prosperity of my own soul. For I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, "that though He was rich, yet for [my] sake He became poor, so that [I] through His poverty might become rich." (2Corinthians 7:9). Though within myself I am poor in spirit, wretched, blind, and miserable; yet the splendor of the gospel is that I receive beauty in exchange for my ashes, riches in Christ for my destitution in Adam.
So let me know more deeply, and pursue more fervently, the prosperity of my soul in the fear of You, Lord. If no other aspect of my fading life here is prosperous, and perhaps it is better for me this way, but let me seek the food that does not perish. Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened, so that I may know what is the hope of Your calling, what are the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of Your power toward us who believe. And, oh, to know Your secret--the deeper, more intimate knowledge of You--is what my heart wants more when I read that You will make me to know Your covenant when I pursue and fear You. Let me seek it with perseverance and delight at Your table of delectables, in Your classroom of many treasures to explore.
In Jesus' name,
"Who is the man who fears the LORD?
He will instruct him in the way he should choose.
His soul will abide in prosperity,
And his descendants will inherit the land.
The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,
and He will make them know His covenant."
- Psalm 25:12-14
I do taste in some measure the prosperity of my own soul in Christ Jesus. For in Him, You have blessed me with every spiritual blessing there is in the heavenlies. He prepares a home for me in Heaven. He reserves my inheritance--imperishable, undefiled, and unfading--for me as You keep me by Your power until I see it and hold it. I rejoice with joy inexpressible in this hope given to me in Christ. And I am presently given the privilege of tasting and seeing that You are good. I taste these hors d'oeuvres now that whet my palate for Your kingdom coming. Charles Leiter's illustration of regeneration and justification in the sermon I heard yesterday was such a beautiful picture of how You presently let my soul abide in prosperity. Justification is like a class that I take in which the professor declares to his students on the first day of class, "Do not worry about your grade in this class. I have already given everyone a 100% for the whole semester. Now you have the privilege to learn this subject with no fear of failing, nor with the futile motive of scoring the highest in the class." And regeneration is as though the professor had the power to change each students' heart prior to the beginning of the semester to genuinely love the subject of the class. And the subject is Your Son, who explains You, Father; Your Spirit is my Professor; and Your Word is my textbook; and my class is paid for in full by Your Son's sufficient blood. "Now," You tell me, "Enjoy learning." It's as though You say again, "From any tree in the garden you may eat freely. See, there is the fruit of sweet juice called the doctrine of adoption. And over there is the fruit of reconciliation with Your Creator. Taste, see, touch, explore. Enjoy the abundance of My overflowing goodness, and drink deeply from the river of My delights and the wells of My salvation." Here, in Christ, I have freedom and longings to pursue the prosperity of my own soul. For I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, "that though He was rich, yet for [my] sake He became poor, so that [I] through His poverty might become rich." (2Corinthians 7:9). Though within myself I am poor in spirit, wretched, blind, and miserable; yet the splendor of the gospel is that I receive beauty in exchange for my ashes, riches in Christ for my destitution in Adam.
So let me know more deeply, and pursue more fervently, the prosperity of my soul in the fear of You, Lord. If no other aspect of my fading life here is prosperous, and perhaps it is better for me this way, but let me seek the food that does not perish. Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened, so that I may know what is the hope of Your calling, what are the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of Your power toward us who believe. And, oh, to know Your secret--the deeper, more intimate knowledge of You--is what my heart wants more when I read that You will make me to know Your covenant when I pursue and fear You. Let me seek it with perseverance and delight at Your table of delectables, in Your classroom of many treasures to explore.
In Jesus' name,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Poem: Snowflakes
(Nehemiah 9-10)
By: Quina
I fear my last breath will be filled with regrets
on this deathbed
lying next
to idols I chose over You
empty and excuseless
My heart is weaker than
dried leaf
crumble and think
Your past and present faithfulness to me
I am baffled by my unbelief
to pressure and stress
Even these
and pure
down from
hand above
mine below
to make me smile
sing with
praise to You…
I see them and
inside, and
myself I will get
and wet
seems safer, yet
and pain
I run as
escape with my lusts
me just pleasure, but
me to this deathbed
I feel the depression set in
upon my soul
for I’ve
myself in this room with
by lies
I’ve heard in my heart, believed, and repeated until
it seems they’ve become a part of me—
be understood, so
will save you
more pain.”
pits this deep, which
have dug for yourself.”
are alone.”—
and I crawl toward
shadows in this room
cast only
by undeniable beams of light,
Your continued mercy,
shining through the window
where I still see
pursuing me…
But I am
to comprehend
depraved shadows in my mind
less articulate a confession
sins have reached the heavens
So I
my mouth, and
freezes me from the inside
This warm house was a delusion
of insanity
from my cross to bear
You offer me
life in exchange for my worthless tries
at breathing in this room, suffocating
cannot run from You, yet
before You I cannot stand.
reach to close those blinds
the window, so as
dwell in despair
darkness all around me,
a shadow You cast
behind me
reaches around my arms,
the rest of me is covered, a
and I am left to gaze
at the cross You bore for me
there on it
is nailed all my iniquities
and before it
I weep,
and confess,
are a God ready to forgive
and gracious
will never give me up
keep covenant,
have dealt faithfully
I so wickedly,
in this room
have refused to grant me rest
to meet me in my misery
hear my cry of distress
answer me with Your sure salvation
I might run
into the snow
warmth in Your fellowship—
cross on my back.
I mind not
getting wet, soaked even
by trials and daily death
if my heart is on fire
and I can feel You again…”
Snowflakes will fall and melt at Your will
Still, I’ll take Your path:
to self for life You will resurrect
of a life preserved for regrets
this deathbed.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
"The best songwriters are the best exegetes."
- from Gina's notes in Poetical Books class
- from Gina's notes in Poetical Books class
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