Monday, June 20, 2011


This hurt. But it was encouraging too.

Paul Washer on Missions

"Young man, go somewhere and die, that only God and Hell will know your name. God because He loves you and His Spirit is powerful upon you. And Hell because Hell hates you. Go somewhere and preach the gospel."

"If you know the Word really well, and you're just perfect...and your thinking and your logic is just pristine...but you're not a man of prayer, you're not worth two cents in the kingdom of heaven."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hearts of Darkness

"When the sun is shining in all its beauty, who are the ones that are unconscious of the fact? Who need to be told it is shining? The blind! How tragic, then, when we read that God sent John to 'bear witness of the light.' How pathetic that there should be any need for this! How solemn the statement that men have to be told 'the light' is now in their midst. What a revelation of man's fallen condition."

- A.W. Pink commentary on John 1:7

see also John Calvin's commentary on Matthew 6:22-23.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Honduras Part 2

“Say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns!’”
–Psalm 96:10

This summer I have another opportunity to serve the church in Siguatepeque, Honduras for two weeks near the end of July. The Patterson family, missionaries who I served with for three weeks last summer, will host me. I will be serving the children of the Immanuel Baptist Day Home, a free daycare service for single mothers. I will also be helping with any projects at MEDA, the seminary that trains Central American pastors. I’m also excited to help with anything else that is needed in the Immanuel Baptist Church and with the Patterson family.

Please PRAY that the gospel will be proclaimed accurately to the children and anyone else we meet, that I will serve selflessly, and that God will receive every ounce of glory for everything He does this summer in Honduras.

Will you also prayerfully consider financially supporting me to go? I will need about $900 by July 5th to purchase a plane ticket and to pay for my housing.

Thank you for your prayers and support, and please contact me if you have any questions or encouragements!

You can send checks to me at:
11711 N. 50th St. Apt. 207A
Tampa, FL 33617