April, Jenna, Melizza and I were watching anaconda videos on YouTube again. We came across a video of an anaconda eating a capybara. Check it out here.
There’s a metaphor here:
The capybara = me
The anaconda = indwelling sin
Can you see the parallels?
Makes me think of that John Owen quote: “Be killing sin or [sin] will be killing you.” He bases that quote on Romans 8:13:
“For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.” (I used the NIV because I like the use of the word “misdeeds”)
Speaking of anaconda-like indwelling sin…
The book of Job reveals a few good, redemptive purposes that God has for His worshippers when He afflicts them with suffering.
Check out what Elihu says in Job 33:8-33. One point of his argument is that God can use suffering as a means of His redeeming grace to keep man from falling into sin.
I had the flu, then pneumonia, then bronchitis for a span of 2 months a couple years ago. Not only did God teach me about my sinful proclivities and His merciful character through my suffering, but He could have also been keeping me from some sin that I would have fallen into had I had my health. Staggering…
How horrible is your sin to you? Since God can use suffering to mercifully keep you from falling into some sin…would you rather be crushed with massive suffering than to sin against the infinitely worthy God? Would you rather be eaten alive by an anaconda than to be eaten alive by your seemingly pleasurable sin? Or, more realistically, would you rather be struck with immense sickness that lasts for a long time than to fall into sin?
Makes me think of Mark 9:42-48…and Hebrews 11:24-26...
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