Monday, March 28, 2011

Anacondas and My Sin

April, Jenna, Melizza and I were watching anaconda videos on YouTube again. We came across a video of an anaconda eating a capybara. Check it out here.

There’s a metaphor here:
The capybara = me
The anaconda = indwelling sin

Can you see the parallels?

Makes me think of that John Owen quote: “Be killing sin or [sin] will be killing you.” He bases that quote on Romans 8:13:
For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.” (I used the NIV because I like the use of the word “misdeeds”)

Speaking of anaconda-like indwelling sin…

The book of Job reveals a few good, redemptive purposes that God has for His worshippers when He afflicts them with suffering.

Check out what Elihu says in Job 33:8-33.  One point of his argument is that God can use suffering as a means of His redeeming grace to keep man from falling into sin.

I had the flu, then pneumonia, then bronchitis for a span of 2 months a couple years ago. Not only did God teach me about my sinful proclivities and His merciful character through my suffering, but He could have also been keeping me from some sin that I would have fallen into had I had my health. Staggering…

How horrible is your sin to you? Since God can use suffering to mercifully keep you from falling into some sin…would you rather be crushed with massive suffering than to sin against the infinitely worthy God? Would you rather be eaten alive by an anaconda than to be eaten alive by your seemingly pleasurable sin? Or, more realistically, would you rather be struck with immense sickness that lasts for a long time than to fall into sin?

Makes me think of Mark 9:42-48…and Hebrews 11:24-26...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God's Sovereignty and Japan

Check out this blog post on God's sovereignty and the tsunami in Japan from Pastor John Samson: Click here

Empathy flows not from the causes of pain, but the company of pain.”  – John Samson

Another great post is a prayer for Japan by Pastor John Piper: Click here

"We know that if we were treated according to our sins, who could stand? All of it would be gone in a moment. So in this dark hour we turn against our sins, not against you. And we cry for mercy for Japan. Mercy, Father. Not for what they or we deserve. But mercy."   - John Piper
Finally, my sis in Christ, good friend, and roommate, Monica Ziegler, has been planning on going to Utsunomyia, Japan with a team from USF with the Navigators ministry. She is currently selling bracelets for Japan and for her mission trip this summer. Let me know if you're interested in buying a bracelet that will support the Red Cross efforts in Japan as well as Monica's mission trip. You can check out her blog for more info. on her trip here: "Land of the Rising Sun" - Monica's Blog.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Love of Christ

He loves through every changing scene,
Nor aught from Him can Zion wean;
Not all the wanderings of her heart
Can make His love for her depart.

"The Love of Christ" hymn

Monday, March 7, 2011

Christianity and the Arts, shai linne

Here's a talk that shai linne did at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in D.C.

Listen to talk here

I particularly liked the wall/window analogy. Our fallen world takes the artist and his/her artwork as the end to our enjoyment and praise, like a wall. Redeemed artists, like a window, are able to give the world and the church a glimpse (beyond the artist via the art) of God.

shai explains it better, of course...

"There's nothing wrong with participating in the arts, and even listening to certain artists. But the problem comes when we stop there; when the created thing, or the art, becomes a wall ... and we don't move beyond that to God, to give God the glory that He deserves. ... So now what we're able to do as artists who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ is that we're now empowered to allow the creation to no longer be just a wall where we stop, but the creation becomes a window through which we are able to behold the splendor, the majesty, the artistic genius of God." 

(and he gives a little preview of the upcoming album on the attributes of God) :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Journal Prayer: 1.17.11

The Outskirts of His Ways

"Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?" Job 26:14

Father, Omnipotent,

It's as though You woke me this morning to both laugh and tremble, gasp and smile. Last night You laid my head to rest with thoughts of Your great, incomprehensible power, expressed in Your creation and expressed in Your redemption. What a mighty God You are! When I opened my eyes this morning, I could see a storm blowing the palm tree outside my balcony window, and rain drops flying before a bright gray backdrop. Had You not led me to read about Your power in Job's last response to Bildad, and in Charnock's discourse on Your attributes, I would have awakened to assume I should be dictated by the weather to feel gloomy. Instead, it's as though You whispered, "You've read a little about My power, but now watch this."

Never before had I truly considered for more than a short moment how clouds shout of Your power. Sure, they are beautiful portraits of Your creativity and wisdom. You place each cloud as a canvas in the expanse, reflecting what colors You desire to display. On warm, sunny days we often see white clouds of many different formations spread across a blue sky. At sunset You stroke Your cloud canvases with bright flashes of orange, pink, and purple. In Florida thunderstorms, faithful to come every summer afternoon, Your clouds turn an ominous gray, nearly black as they seem to frown and growl at us from above. These are truly touches of Your brilliant use of colors and shapes, these clouds, mixed in combinations and set in formations that we have not language for sometimes.

But these, Your clouds, evidences of Your infinite power? Don't we mostly picture these as fluffy, harmless and beautiful puff balls in the sky? Don't we sometimes wish to sit and skip on top of them in fantastical bliss? Yet Job marveled at what power You show in the mysterious clouds. "He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not split open under them." (Job 26:8). What a wonder that the mass of water it takes to quench the thirst of the earth, filling lakes and producing life and crop for the sustainment of humans and animals, is contained in seemingly weightless vessels!

How can they seem to float there with all that weight, and not completely crash unto our weak, clay houses and bodies, destroying all of humanity? The thought of "mere" clouds falling to annihilate the earth's living bodies is humorous because it seems impossible. But these clouds carry the weight of water we swim in, we drink, we bathe in; the weight of rushing floods and tsunamis that have clearly wiped out whole cities. And there they hang over our heads, as the sharp blade of a guillotine threatening to fall on our soft necks. But You don't let them do this. You bind up these great masses of water in Your thick clouds, and You keep them resting in the sky as a garment that covers us from the bright, overwhelming radiance of Your power in the heavens, Your throne.

The air is not split under Your massive clouds, and from these clouds You drop rain, softly or hardly on our heads. Though science books can inform us of even more of the intricate details and processes of the workings and purposes of these mysterious clouds, time and language fails us to fully express all of Your power displayed in the creation and sustainment of these bottles of the sky.

Would I expound, as Elihu did, on the thunderings of Your mighty voice, the flashes of Your terrible lightning, the rain, the sleet, and snow that "seals up" our hand and forces us to stop all our daily affairs and business to seek shelter and behold Your providential doings in the weather, I could but speak one word in the infinite volume set concerning Your power alone. I could but stroke one stripe of yellow paint across a never-ending canvas that would portray Your might. And I lose my breath when considering the fact that all of Your works in creation, in all of their powerful, intricate, mysterious ways, speak not completely of the infinite power that is You, Your sheer nature. Our comprehension is not powerful enough to understand it, and even if we could (and we never will), our words are not powerful enough to proclaim it. And Your power is just one of Your many attributes, expressed not only in Your miraculous creation of the heavens and earth through Your spoken word piece, but expressed in Your justice and judgment, and expressed in Your mercy and love in redemption.

I merely pondered how one or two functions of clouds can display Your awesome power and glory. But
"Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?"
I cannot understand Your might in full, for I cannot but stutter and stammer the workings of what my naked eye sees in Your creation, much less what I do not see or know of You, Almighty.

Your gray clouds above me are still pouring out rain drops as I write. The clouds are so covering the heavens that I cannot make out their outlining; it's as though one huge cloud is covering the sky all around me like a blanket. Your thunder is rumbling over the sound of the cars on 50th Street. I can't articulate Your power even in this before me, and how small a whisper I hear of You even in this. Thanks for the reminder of Your power today.

In Jesus' name,